Welcome to the SMUUCh FUUD Pantry

The SMUUCh FUUD Pantry is a food pantry located in Lenexa, Kansas serving the Kansas City area and all in need of food. We offer shelf-stable canned and packaged food, frozen meats, dairy, eggs, and fresh produce.

We are an arm of the Shawnee Mission Unitarian Universalist Church and an agency of the Harvesters Community Food Network.

Open every Tuesday 3-6 p.m.

All Are Welcome

The walk-thru pantry is open!

We offer pre-packed food bags for those without appointments.
Please don’t go hungry.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, masks are required. We check temperatures at the door. If you are not well, please reschedule or send a friend to pick up for you.

Please wear your mask as soon as you exit your car. There may be a short line to wait to enter the pantry. Thank you.