How We Handle Appointments, Walk-ins, Late Arrivals, and No-Shows

At the FUUD Pantry in Lenexa, we offer a shopping-style experience for our clients. In order to manage stock, we require appointments.

When Can I Book My Appointment?

Appointment slots are available one week in advance, starting at 8 a.m. Tuesday morning, on our scheduling platform. Since in the past we have had many no-shows, so now use weekly bookings to better serve everyone!

The appointments fill up fast, so you may want to set an alarm or reminder on your phone!

What time should I show up for my appointment?

Please arrive on time, but no more than 10 minutes prior to your appointment. If you cannot make your appointment, please cancel. You can cancel using the link in the confirmation you received when you signed up. Or call us!

What happens if I need food but don’t have an appointment?

If you arrive without an appointment, you may take a pre-packed bag/s of food.

What happens if I am Late for my Appointment?

If you have an appointment and are more than 15 minutes late, you will be considered a no-show. You may take a pre-packed bag of food.

What should I do if I need to cancel?

If you know you can’t make your appointment, please try to cancel before noon on Tuesday. Use the link you received via Text or Email to cancel. This allows another shopper to get an appointment and is greatly appreciated.

If you have questions about these changes, please talk to the manager on duty the next time you visit the pantry. Thanks so much!

Accepting Children’s Picture Books

Did you know we offer free books to kids who come through our shelter every week?

And they sure do take them! The shelf is starting to get bare!

Did you know: School-age children spend 80% of their waking hours outside of school, but 61% of families in under-resourced neighborhoods have no books for the children in their homes.  Children who read proficiently by third grade will be more successful in school and life. 

The FUUD Pantry at SMUUCh collects gently used books of all kinds to ensure every family that visits can take books home.

It’s time for another book collection. Our volunteer Jamie helps us organize collection. We offer multiple ways for you to donate — it doesn’t just have to be

Here are Jamie’s official how tos for getting more books for our shelves.

3 Ways to Support the FUUD Pantry Book Drive

  1. Donate gently used picture books!
  2. Donate used books of any type – Jamie will trade them in for kids’ and youth books!
  3. Organize your own book drive in your neighborhood or school! Create a flyer (or request one from us!) and send it to friends, neighbors, scout troops etc. We can help with the pick up! (See below)
Donate childrens books Lenexa Kansas City food pantry
We need more picture books please!

How, When & Where to Donate

  • Sundays – Between 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. – in the FUUD Pantry donation bin outside the SMUUCh church office
  • Tuesdays – 2-6 p.m. at the FUUD Pantry
  • Wednesdays – 5-7 p.m. – in the FUUD Pantry donation bin outside the SMUUCh church office
  • Organize a Pick up – Do you live nearby? To arrange a volunteer pick up, please email me

Prefer to make a monetary donation? 

Make checks out to SMUUCh with “FUUD Pantry Books” in the memo line. 

Checks can be mailed to:

c/o Shawnee Mission UU Church
9400 Pflumm Ave
Lenexa, Kansas 66215

5 Ways Your Resolutions Can Fight Hunger in 2025

Combating Food Insecurity in Johnson County, KS

What did you resolve to do at the start of the new year?

During this time of reflection and renewal, many of us set new goals and commit to making a positive impact on the world. If one of your resolutions for 2025 is to give back to your community, consider these five ways to make a difference combating food insecurity in Johnson County, KS:

1. Resolve to Share:

  • Host a food drive at your next gathering: birthday party, game night, book club meeting, etc. Encourage guests to bring non-perishable food items instead of gifts. You can drop the items off at the FUUD Pantry Tuesday afternoons or Sunday mornings.
  • Organize a fundraiser for the pantry among friends and family.
  • Consider collecting donations of personal hygiene items, which are often in high demand at food pantries.

2. Resolve to Advocate:

  • Stay informed about food insecurity issues in Johnson County and the Kansas City metro area.
  • Contact your local elected officials to express your support for policies that address the root causes of poverty, such as access to affordable housing, living wages, and quality healthcare.
  • Attend a local city council meeting or participate in a community forum to learn more about local issues and advocate for change.

3. Resolve to Volunteer:

4. Resolve to Educate:

  • Share information about food insecurity in Lenexa and Johnson County with your friends, family, and on social media.
  • Educate yourself and others about the impact of poverty on our community.
  • Organize a community event to raise awareness about food insecurity and the work of the FUUD Pantry.

5. Resolve to Support:

  • Become a monthly donor to the FUUD Pantry. Your consistent support helps us provide reliable and consistent assistance to those in need.
  • Consider making a one-time donation to the FUUD Pantry.
  • Explore other ways to support the FUUD Pantry, such as donating gently used household items or organizing a workplace giving campaign.

Everyone deserves access to nutritious food. When you contribute through your time, treasure or talents — no matter how small — it makes an impact.

You can make 2025 a year of compassion and community support. When we work together, we can combat food insecurity in Johnson County, building a stronger and more just community.

Food Pantry Donations Needed

NEEDS: Boxed Cereal (and More)

Also needed: Non-food items such as cleaning and household supplies, over-the-counter medicines, and personal care items.

NOTE: All donations should be unopened and non-expired.

The FUUD Pantry has an ongoing need for donations of shelf-stable food.

To help clients maintain a healthy diet and manage chronic health conditions, donations of low sodium and low sugar products are especially needed.

How to Drop off Your Donation

They can be placed in the donation tubs across from the church office… or contact the pantry at 913-228-2993 to make other arrangements.

Thanks for helping provide a variety of healthful and useful items to the pantry!

New, Extended Pantry Hours begin Nov. 2

Starting November 2, 2021, the SMUUCh FUUD Pantry will add an hour.

SMUUCH Food Pantry Hours
Every Tuesday
2 p.m. to 6 p.m
(starting Nov. 2)

An additional hour of service time has become necessary due to an increasing demand for the pantry offerings.

Clients are able enter the pantry at 9400 Pflumm in Lenexa and “shop” the pantry shelves and refrigerators during the weekly hours every Tuesday. The pantry is staffed by volunteers and stocked by donations from Harvesters and other generous donors.

Items usually available each week include:
  • Bread
  • Milk
  • Meat
  • Produce
  • Eggs
  • Shelf Stable Foods (Pasta, canned goods, sauces, and more)
  • Some toiletries and paper goods

Due to continue COVID concerns, all patrons are required to wear a masks covering their mouth and nose.

NOTE: Appointments are now recommended to secure a walk-thru timeslot. No paperwork is required. ALL are welcome regardless of status.

Book an appointment with SMUUCH FUUD Pantry using Setmore

No patrons will be turned away. If you are unable to make an appointment or get a timeslot, pre-bagged groceries are made available for you.

Please don’t go hungry.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us.

If you would like to volunteer, please complete the Volunteer Interest Form.

Walk-Thru Food Pantry Set to Reopen

The SMUUCh FUUD Pantry will reopen for walk-thru, “shopping-style” service starting Tuesday, May 4, 2021.

Clients will be able to enter the building and shop the pantry shelves and refrigerators the weekly hours: Tuesdays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Items that are usually available every week include:
  • Bread
  • Milk
  • Meat
  • Produce
  • Eggs
  • Shelf Stable Foods (Pasta, canned goods, sauces and more)

Patrons will be required to continue to wear masks over their mouth and noses.

The online registration form will be required for a walk-thru time slot.

Book an appointment with SMUUCH FUUD Pantry using Setmore
No patrons will be turned away. If you are unable to get a time-slot, pre-bagged groceries will be made available for you. Please don’t go hungry.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us.

If you would like to volunteer, please complete the Volunteer Interest Form.

What’s inside the pre-packaged bags?

If you are not able to walk into the pantry, we will offer pre-packaged grocery bags filled by the food pantry volunteers with a variety of staples for you for the week.

The Shawnee Mission Unitarian Church FUUD Pantry carries a variety of shelf-stable fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains.

As availability allows, we may be able to offer fresh vegetables and fruits. Depending on the season some will come from Harvesters and some will come our own Hope’s Harvest community garden!

Have questions? Feel free to contact us!